Volunteer Opportunities
WVU Hospitals accepts four types of volunteers: Adults, college students, high school students for the Junior Volunteer Program, and the Health Careers Academy.
Adults (18+ and no longer a student) may apply for volunteer service at any time. Graduate students can apply as an adult.
College student volunteers are accepted three times per year during the fall, spring, and summer. The summer 2025 enrollment dates are April 21 – May 9 and Fall dates are August 1 – 31. College students can only apply during an enrollment period and will not be accepted after an enrollment period has ended.
Applications for the Junior Volunteer Program are accepted April 1 – 30 each year.
Application Details
- The first 125 college student applications will be accepted. Please do not apply as an adult volunteer unless you are a grad student.
- If you were a college student volunteer within the past two years and you would like to volunteer again, you are not required to submit a new application. Please contact Volunteer Services at 304-598-4134 to request a volunteer return packet.
- The Health Careers Academy is one week of exposure to various healthcare professions. Participants will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience not offered by traditional volunteering. Students must commit to the entire one-week session. Twenty-five applications will be accepted, and 20 participants will be chosen for the program.
- Students interested in applying for the Health Careers Academy must be interested in a healthcare profession, provide their high school transcript with at least a 3.0 grade point average, provide two letters of recommendation from teachers or guidance counselors, and write a 500-word essay about why they are interested in participating in the WVU Hospitals Health Careers Academy. Reference letters and transcripts can be emailed to volunteer@wvumedicine.org.
- Applicants will attend a group interview with a selection committee. If chosen to participate, applicants must complete all volunteer onboarding requirements.
Volunteer Hours
Shifts are available during mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Schedules vary depending on the department where you volunteer. Volunteers are expected to complete at least one shift per week.
Volunteer Orientation and Onboarding Session
Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an email with a link to the online volunteer orientation. Orientation must be completed prior to attending an onboarding session. If you are a student or an applicant for the Health Careers Academy, you will select an onboarding session date on your application. Adult volunteers will be contacted to schedule an onboarding session after completing the online orientation.
Immunization Requirements
Junior Volunteers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, unless you have a signed parental consent form for Employee Health.
These requirements are put in place to protect you as well as patients and coworkers.
The following are the requirements for new volunteers.
- Flu: All volunteers must have an annual FLU shot to remain an active volunteer during FLU season. Volunteers who refuse vaccination for any reason will be placed on a leave of absence from their volunteer assignment during the FLU season. The FLU season is usually between December and March. However, the period may be extended depending on the severity of FLU season.
- Hepatitis B: (only specific placement locations) Volunteers will be asked to provide record of vaccine series or a titer showing immunity. Employee Health will provide the vaccination or draw the blood titer if not previously received.
- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR): If born before 1957, you will be tested for antibody levels for MMR. Proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) may be a copy of the volunteer’s immunization record showing two vaccinations for these diseases or the results of blood titer tests showing the volunteer is immune.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap): This protects against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.
- Tuberculosis (TB) baseline assessment: Before a volunteer can begin their volunteer assignment, TB Screening must be completed. To protect the community, it is important to know who has latent TB and provide a baseline for all hospital personnel.
- Volunteers must complete a TB Symptom Questionnaire and have an initial physical TB test (TB skin test or TB blood test). If the volunteer has a positive test, additional information regarding past tests and treatment will be required (test results, x-ray and treatment history). Volunteers who test positive for TB will be asked to complete a TB Symptom Questionnaire annually.
- Varicella: Proof of immunity to Varicella (Chicken Pox) may be a copy of the volunteer’s immunization record showing two vaccinations for Varicella, or the results of a blood titer test showing the volunteer is immune.
We strongly suggest that you do not get any immunizations before seeing an Employee Health clinician.
Employee Health will only administer a TB test for the Junior Volunteers and the Health Careers Academy participants. All other immunization requirements must be obtained elsewhere.