The WVU Medicine Information Technology Internship is a 13-week, paid internship for undergraduate junior and senior students who provide technical support to various divisions within WVU Medicine Information Technology.

Interns are provided with the opportunity to complete significant and challenging IT work that allows them to gain real-world experience at the West Virginia University Health System, the state’s largest health system and largest employer.

The IT internship is available from mid-May to early August and is primarily based out of Morgantown, West Virginia, with remote positions also available.

Interns will gain valuable experience and participate in networking opportunities including:

  • Performing real IT work with an assigned mentor or manager
  • Developing a community service project
  • Attending social events with IT senior leaders and other interns (tentative, due to pandemic)

IT Team Descriptions

Interns will have the opportunity to work with one of the following teams:

  • Applications Training and Clinical Informatics Team: This team creates training content for current and new employees, including tip sheets, blogs, training videos, and Webex classes.
  • Business and Artificial Intelligence Team: This team helps clinical leaders and teams work to implement artificial learning-like methods to the work they are performing.
  • Diagnostic Imaging Team: This team manages diagnostic images, such as MRI, and helps share them with various hospitals, networks, and physicians.
  • Enterprise Analytics Team: This team mines data created by application teams to find trends, patterns, and value to help operational leaders make data-driven decisions.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Team: This team works with the organization’s Workday software application, which is used by finance, human resources, and supply chain.
  • Epic Client System Management Team: This team is responsible for these enterprise functions: printing, faxing, IGEL, and hyperspace web.
  • Health Information Management and Optical Imaging Team: This team is responsible for managing issues and training related to coding, transcription, and record scanning applications.
  • Incident Response Team: This team makes sure that hospital workers and patients are protected from cyberattacks.
  • Inpatient Clinical Applications Team: This team focuses on improving physician, nurse, and ancillary workflow and efficient access to patient information within the electronic medical record.
  • Network Infrastructure Team: This team supports the entire WVU Medicine network, including every clinic, hospital, and facility, by installing routers, switches, access points, servers, racks, and more.
  • OpTime Surgical Services Team: This team maintains the Epic platform for surgical scheduling, physician preference cards, materials management, and operating room charging.
  • Software Development Team: This team creates, maintains, and updates various applications used by the organization, which includes fixing bugs as they are reported.

How to Apply

IT internship applications are accepted from September 1 through November 15. Applicants must have an overall 3.0 GPA and meet the job description requirements. If you fulfill these requirements, please submit your resume online.

If you have any questions about the internship or application process, please contact us at [email protected].

A Word From the Executive Sponsor

Chuck Barkey
Assistant Vice President, WVU Medicine Information Technology

The WVU Medicine IT Internship is a special internship program – one that fulfills a vital role for the organization. WVU Medicine IT currently retains more than 60 percent of its prior interns as full-time employees post graduation. We have strengthened our teams with these talented graduates. Each of these special and talented individuals are highly educated and enthusiastic to succeed in their IT career. Learn more about the individuals and the internship program.

To be a part of this competitive program, you must have the drive to succeed, while completing challenging work for an advanced health system using leading technologies. If you are interested in this internship, please feel free to contact me with any questions at [email protected].