WVU Medicine gynecologic surgeons offer the cutting-edge technology of minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery. Using the da Vinci robotic surgical system, surgeons perform major gynecologic surgery through small incisions. This technique allows for a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery.

Procedures that WVU women’s health surgeons perform using robotic-assisted surgery include:

  • Gynecological cancer surgery
  • Hysterectomy
  • Pelvic organ prolapse repair (sacrocolpopexy)
  • Uterine fibroid surgery

Robotic-assisted pelvic organ prolapse repair (sacrocolpopexy)

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when a woman’s pelvic organs begin to slip down from their original positions in the pelvis.  This very common condition can cause discomfort and symptoms such as pelvic pressure, lower back pain, and urinary incontinence. If you are experiencing pelvic organ prolapse, your provider may recommend pelvic organ prolapse repair surgery. Pelvic organ prolapse repair can be performed through open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery.

About robotic-assisted pelvic organ prolapse repair

Robotic-assisted pelvic organ prolapse repair is a surgical procedure that repositions the affected pelvic organs, moving them to their original positions. Your surgeon controls the da Vinci robotic surgical system to perform this minimally invasive surgery. Surgical procedures using the da Vinci system only require a few small incisions that allow your surgeon to use a camera and very tiny instruments to reposition the prolapsed organs.

Patients who choose robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy surgery usually spend less time in the hospital and experience faster recovery times. WVU Medicine’s highly experienced female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgeons are the only surgeons in West Virginia who treat pelvic organ prolapse with minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery.


855-WVU-CARE (855-988-2273)