Are you ready to make lifestyle changes in nutrition and eating patterns, and increase physical activity in your daily life? The Finding Wellness program can help with personal goal setting and group support.

Finding Wellness is a free, healthy lifestyle program for people who are ready to improve their personal health.

Program details:

  • Eight-week program led by health professionals
  • Open to anyone in the community
  • Virtual or in-person (WVU Medicine University Town Centre in Morgantown) options
  • Classes are held from 4:30 – 6:30 pm on Tuesdays (in-person and virtual) and 11 am – 1 pm on Thursdays (virtual)

Finding Wellness class topics include:

  • Cooking Demo – Learn how easy and delicious healthy cooking can be – and taste test multiple new foods.
  • Fitness – Link physical and mental benefits of exercises and practice a variety of movement.
  • Making S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals – Assess your motivation level and identify positive/negative influences on your success.
  • Menu Planning – Learn meal planning strategies and add/substitute healthier foods.
  • Mindful Eating – Recognize what mindless eating looks and feels like and identify emotional, environmental, and physical triggers.
  • Portion Control – Learn how to understand food labels, and recognize common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
  • Stress Management – Recognize stress and unhealthy coping habits, and learn ways to quiet the mind.
  • Supermarket Safari – Acquire skills to shop healthier by comparing labels and prices.

Keeping Wellness

All graduates of the Finding Wellness program are invited to attend our Keeping Wellness support group, which meets four times a year on a Tuesday from 5 – 6 pm.

Keeping Wellness provides new and interesting topics that are not included in the Finding Wellness program. Previous Keeping Wellness topics include: pain management, sleep hygiene, music and wellness, cardio drumming, and tai chi.

Contact Us

[email protected]
