Support Groups

WVU Medicine support groups, listed below by topic, are free and open to the public.


Caregivers Group
This group is an open forum primarily for caregivers of cancer patients, but any caregivers may attend.

When: First Tuesday of each month, 2 pm
Where: Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center conference room, ground floor
Contact: Melanie Douglass at [email protected] or Rachel Harper at [email protected]

Living Beyond Cancer Support Group

This group is a free, closed membership forum that provides online support and information for cancer patients, survivors, and their caregivers who cannot attend a traditional support group and/or who may be more comfortable sharing online.

To join, visit

Survivors Club
Patients with any cancer diagnosis and their caregivers are welcome in this social and supportive group that is offered both in person and online. Masks are required in person, and no food will be served.

When: Meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month, 4 – 5:30 pm
Where: Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center, ground floor conference room
Contact: Melanie Douglass at [email protected] to RSVP or for a schedule


#T1 Mountaineers
This is a support group for people 18 years and older dealing with the challenges of managing type 1 diabetes. For times, locations, and details, contact Emily Smaniotto, RN, BSN, at 304-598-4391, ext. 5, or [email protected].


WVU Heart and Vascular Institute Heart Failure Facebook Support Group
This private Facebook group is a resource where patients diagnosed with heart failure can connect with others while learning about their condition and its management. To join the group, visit For details, contact Debra Hairston at (304) 285-7900 or email [email protected].

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease Support Group

This group provides peer support for people with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners. Offered by the WVU School of Medicine Division of Physical Therapy, WVU Medicine Movement Disorders Center, and Encompass Health, this open discussion will keep you up to date on the latest research, treatment methods, and general advice about living with Parkinson’s disease.

When: Third Thursday of each month March through December, 1:30-2:30 pm
Where: Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Morgantown
Contact: Cheryl at [email protected] or 304-285-3600


Stroke Survivors Support Group
This group helps stroke survivors develop a community around their shared experiences. Experts in neurology, physical therapy, and other specialties come to educate the group about research, treatments, and ways to adapt to everyday life after a stroke. Learn more about the WVU Stroke Center.

When: First Wednesday of every month, 5 – 6:30 pm
Where: Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute Innovation Center, Room 1070
Contact: Visit our sign-up page or call 304-293-1415.


Mountaineer Trauma Support Group
This group provides an open forum for adult survivors of traumatic injuries to find peer support.

When: Third Tuesday of each month at 6 pm
Where: Virtual via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Holly Riley at 304-598-4659 or [email protected] for meeting invite

Weight Loss

WVU Medicine Bariatric Surgery Facebook Group
This private Facebook group is for anyone interested in weight-loss surgery, going through the process of preparing for surgery, and former patients. In addition, pre-surgery and post-surgery patients discuss concerns, successes, and learn strategies to keep off the weight during monthly virtual support groups. To join, visit