Patient and Visitor Information

We understand that family and friends provide crucial support and comfort to patients. We welcome visitors at Harrison Community Hospital. For the comfort and well-being of all our patients, we ask that you observe these guidelines.

  • No more than two visitors are allowed at the patient’s bedside at a time.
  • Visits should be kept brief.
  • Visitors should maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the room during tests or treatments or when the doctor or nurse needs to see the patient.
  • Extended visiting arrangements may be made for families of pediatric patients or terminally ill patients.
  • Visitors must dress appropriately and wear a shirt and shoes.

Masking Guidelines

  • Visitors or patients who are exhibiting respiratory symptoms (including but not limited to the following: fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, shortness of breath) must wear masks in all settings, both inpatient and outpatient, and in all public spaces. (Symptomatic inpatients are not required to wear masks in their patient rooms.)
  • In crowded waiting areas and lobbies, such as the Emergency Department, masks are strongly encouraged, but not required.
  • Inpatients must wear masks when they leave their rooms unless the masks impede their care.


Free parking is available for use by our patients and families. If something happens which causes you to need assistance with your vehicle, please ask registration for assistance.

Cell Phone Use

Visitors may use personal mobile devices in all areas of Harrison Community Hospital unless restricted by specific unit policies. Visitors may photograph the patient and family members; however, taking photographs of other patients, visitors, and staff is strictly prohibited.

Tobacco Use

For the health of our patients, visitors, faculty, and staff, we ask that you please refrain from using tobacco of any form, including e-cigarettes and vapor products, at all Harrison Community Hospital clinics and facilities, including parking lots and garages.

Waiting Areas

There are specially designated lounge areas for visitors on each patient floor by the Emergency Department and in the lobby on the main floor. During certain hours, a volunteer hostess is on duty.

Learn more about the amenities we offer to visitors.