Vascular Services
Our blood vessels make up a complex system within our body and help us to carry out everyday tasks that may often be taken for granted, including pain-free walking or calling a friend. Our arteries and veins are the vehicles for proper circulation. All contribute to our ability to move, think and function. From our index finger to our toes, every part of our body requires moving, oxygen-rich blood flow to function. Untreated vascular conditions may lead to blocked arteries, unhealed wounds, ulcers, dying tissue, limb loss, or life-threatening emergencies, such as stroke or heart attack.
The WVU Heart and Vascular Institute at Camden Clark Medical Center provides treatment for a wide range of vascular diseases and conditions that involve healthy blood circulation, using state-of-the-art technology. From urgent treatment of blocked blood flow to long-term treatment plans with comprehensive surveillance, Camden Clark Vascular patients can expect to receive quality, comprehensive, and compassionate care.
We aim to keep blood vessels healthy and blood circulating, while identifying and treating the cause of symptoms before silent threats become serious for patients. Our Vascular Surgery team will assess and address poor blood flow, with the goal of improving the health and quality of life for our patients.
Treatment and Services
From varicose veins to aortic aneurysms, the Camden Clark Vascular team has extensive experience and surgical expertise to prevent complications and keep patients well and healthy. Vascular patients can expect timely diagnosis and treatment, with both inpatient and outpatient care available.
Camden Clark provides treatment for a range of preventive, medical, and surgical solutions for vascular and related conditions. Vascular care services include evaluation, medical therapy, surgical intervention, and rehabilitation. Individualized treatment plans are tailored to the needs of each patient based on best practices therapy guidelines.

Vascular procedures performed include, but are not limited to endovascular and open vascular surgeries:
- Endovascular repair of abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms
- Open aortic aneurysm repair
- Open and endovascular aortic surgeries for aortic occlusive diseases
- Open and endovascular carotid occlusive surgeries
- Limb salvage with endovascular and open bypasses
- Endovascular and open mesenteric vascular interventions
- Thoracic rib resection
- Dialysis access intervention: (Creation of A-V access, laparoscopic peritoneal dialysis placement, endovascular interventions to maintain dialysis access)
- Reflux venous diseases, ablations, and venous outflow obstruction.
Vascular procedures performed include, but are not limited to endovascular and open vascular surgeries:
- Arterial plaque removal
- Balloon angioplasty – a procedure that widens blood vessels with a balloon-tipped catheter
- Dialysis access and renal (kidney) care. This may include fistula, graft, or catheter placement; HeRO (hemodialysis reliable outflow) device placement; and percutaneous fistula and graft repair
- Stenting – insertion of narrow tubes that provide structural blood-vessel support
- Atherectomy – surgeons trim blockages within an artery using a tiny device attached to a slim, tube-like catheter
- Trans-tibial (below the knee) and pedal (foot and arch circulation) interventions
Limb Preservation
Vascular conditions are the leading cause of limb loss, which is widespread throughout the state often due to diabetes, obesity, and kidney disease. Lifestyle habits such as smoking may also contribute to the loss of a limb.
Camden Clark’s Vascular team will work in collaboration with the WVU Medicine Center for Limb Preservation to prevent limb loss, address pain and restore your ability to walk or regain lost functions. With severe cases – such as traumatic injuries, gangrene, or other advanced disease and tissue damage – we’ll do all we can to preserve the limb.
Vascular patients may also receive care from Nephrology, diabetes educators, Wound Care and other specialists as needed throughout your care.
WVU Heart & Vascular Institute
Medical Office Building B
705 Garfield Avenue
Parkersburg, WV 26101