Information for Patients

At Wetzel County Hospital, you will find a team committed to providing you with the very best care. As a part of the WVU Medicine system, we provide the highest level of hospital services to the citizens of Wetzel County and the surrounding region. We work together to improve the lives of everyone we serve.


If your stay with us is scheduled, please stop by the Registration Desk when you arrive. To make your registration as easy as possible, please present your insurance cards, Medicare or Medicaid card, photo identification, list of current medications, a copy of any advance directive document, and a copy of any living will document.

As a courtesy to you, we file claims with your insurance company. If your policy requires pre-certification, it is your responsibility to notify your doctor of this requirement. Your insurance company may reduce your insurance payment if the pre-certification guidelines are not followed.

Please call 304-455-8014 if you have any questions about your admission.


Patients and guests can order meals to be delivered to the patient rooms. Note:

  • Patients are encouraged to check with their provider or registered dietitian about dietary restrictions before eating any food brought in by visitors.
  • Certain tests may require that you not eat for a period of time.
  • Guest trays are also available for visitors. For patients under the age of 12, guest meals are provided for the patient’s sitter at no charge.
  • The hospital cafeteria is located at the end of the main hallway.
  • Vending machines are available in the cafeteria.

Cell Phone Use

Patients and families can use personal mobile devices in all areas of Wetzel County Hospital, unless restricted by specific unit policies. It is fine to use phones to photograph the patient and family members; however, taking photographs of other patients, visitors, and staff is strictly prohibited.

Tobacco Use

For the health of our patients, visitors, faculty, and staff, we ask that you please refrain from using tobacco of any form, including e-cigarettes and vapor products, at all Wetzel County Hospital clinics and facilities, including parking lots and garages.


Wetzel County Hospital offers a full range of spiritual care support services for patients and family members. Our interfaith chaplains are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week as well as our chapel. Call 304-455-8009 for more information about our chaplaincy program.


Notary services are available to patients. Some Wetzel County Hospital employees are able to notarize a variety of documents. Your nurse can arrange to have a document notarized or contact social services at 304-455-8009 to make the arrangements.

Going Home

As your health improves, we will work with you and your family to prepare for a safe homecoming. Your nurse will talk with you about home care, at-home medications and equipment, and follow-up visits with the doctor.


Wetzel County Hospital has an inpatient pharmacy for your prescription needs while you are in the hospital, and we will make arrangements at your preferred pharmacy when you leave the hospital.

Billing and Accounts

Before leaving the hospital, please be sure you have provided us with your insurance information. As a courtesy to you, Wetzel County Hospital will make every effort to promptly submit a claim to your insurer. With our secure online payment services, you may make payments here on our website and view your statement, or contact the financial counselor at 304-455-8199.

Customer Service Relations

If you have customer service concerns, first contact your nurse manager or supervisor. You may also contact the inpatient services director at 304-455-8134 or the chief executive officer at 304-455-8111. All patients and their families shall have the right and be encouraged to express any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding the quality of their care. Upon admission, all patients are given a listing of agencies as a resource for making complaints.