The Job Shadowing Program is a one day (less than eight hours), unpaid career exploration opportunity where a participant is allowed to observe a professional and ask questions about their career. It is a hands off experience that does not allow assistance in patient care or productive work. Job Shadow participants are paired with an employee who is willing to be their host.
Applicants must be 18 years of age, or 16 years of age with permission of a parent or legal guardian.
You will be contacted when your orientation and job shadow observations are scheduled. Please allow up to 2 weeks process your request.
Shadowing students must provide proof of a flu shot prior to being scheduled and sign contracts for HIPPA and Confidentiality.
Below are guidelines for the job shadowing experience.
Personal Appearance:
- A well-groomed professional appearance is expected when attending a job shadow experience.
- For example: slacks, khakis, and casual shirts with a collar, no open-toed shoes.
- Cologne and perfume may not be worn in patient care areas.
- Use of cell phones and other electronic devices may not be used during your job shadow experience.
Patient Confidentiality:
- Job Shadow participants must understand that all information regarding patients and their healthcare information is confidential and may not be discussed outside the clinical setting.
- Job Shadow participants must sign a Confidentiality and Security agreement. Signature of parent or legal guardian is also required if under 18 years of age.
- You must stay with your host preceptor at all times during your observation time. Do not wander off.
- This is a hands off observation. Follow all instructions from your host. Your host will guide you with regards to infection control, safety and hazardous materials to ensure your safety.
Infection Control:
- Although this is strictly a hands off experience (you are not permitted to touch or render care to patients), you must still follow basic infection control procedures. Your host will be responsible for guiding you in these steps.
- You must wear designated protective equipment, such as gowns, gloves, or masks when entering any rooms where this is a requirement
- You must wash your hands before entering and leaving all patient rooms.
- Soap and water (at sink inside the patient room) or alcohol-based hand cleanser (located on walls outside patient rooms) are both acceptable in most cases.
- Alcohol-based cleansers: rub hands together until they are dry, for at least 20 seconds.
- To reduce the risk of burns and shock, Do Not touch electric equipment while your hands are still wet.
Complete these steps to participate in the Shadowing Program: (We highly recommend reviewing the Job Shadowing Program Overview as it contains important information to ensure you have the opportunity to shadow.)
- Review the Job Shadowing Program Overview.
- Download a pdf version of the Job Shadowing Program
- Complete the online program application.
- Complete the Authorization/Release of Liability form.
- Download the Authorization/Release of Liability form.
- Fill out the form, bring it with you to your Shadow experience
- If you are under 18 years of age, notarized signature of parent or legal guardian is required.
- Complete the Job Shadow Confidentiality and Security Agreement.
- Download the Job Shadow Confidentiality and Security Agreement.
- Fill out the form, and bring it with you to your Shadow experience.
- If you are under 18 years of age, notarized signature of parent or legal guardian is required.
- Complete the Job Shadow Applicable Health Information form *Please note it is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain all immunizations prior to shadowing.
- Download the Job Shadow Applicable Health Information form.
- Fill out the form, and bring it with you to your Shadow experience.
- If you are under 18 years of age, notarized signature of parent or legal guardian is required.
For more information on the Job Shadowing Program contact the Berkeley Medical Center Education Department @ 304-264-1383