Rehabilitation Services | WVU Medicine Camden Clark

A timely recovery from a life changing event such as an injury, illness, or surgery is often determined by the quality of care received during recuperation.

Rehabilitation Services at Camden Clark Medical Center exists to provide patients, families, and caregivers with the resources, training, and support needed to best guide them through the recovery process. While working together with our patients and their physicians, we provide the level of care our patients need and closely monitor their progress.

We help our patients emerge with confidence to get their lives back on track as quickly as possible.

All of our highly skilled staff are licensed in their respective fields and work together with the common goal of achieving optimal outcome for all of our patients.



Physical Therapy (PT)

Physical therapy services address deficits in range of motion and flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, functional independence, and ambulation or gait ability. Camden Clark’s team of licensed physical therapists and licensed physical therapist assistants provide evaluation and treatment to help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, reduce edema, and prevent or limit permanent physical disability.

Physical therapy services may be required following:

  • Total joint and upper and lower extremity orthopedic surgery
  • Neck and spine surgery
  • Cardiothoracic surgery
  • Vascular and other general surgeries
  • Stroke and other neurological insult
  • Diagnosis of disorders impairing gait or balance

Physical therapy specialty areas include:

  • Vestibular rehabilitation
  • Lymphedema management
  • Newborn developmental delay
  • Customized education programs utilizing therapeutic exercise and adaptive equipment

Physical therapy services are available to patients of all ages and focus on developmental, neurological, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiac, bariatric, and general debility diagnosis.

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Occupational therapists help individuals of all ages regain independence and redevelop skills for daily living after an illness or injury. Camden Clark’s team of licensed occupational therapists and licensed occupational therapy assistants develop customized plans and objectives to address your self-care, vocational, and leisure goals.

Occupational therapy treatment plans may include the following to promote a safe return to daily activities:

  • Education
  • Home exercises for strengthening and balance
  • Stress management
  • Home safety
  • Energy conservation
  • Durable medical equipment recommendations
  • Work simplification

Occupational therapy specialties include:

  • Rehabilitation following total joint replacement
  • Upper and lower extremity orthopedic surgery
  • Neck and spine surgery
  • Cardiothoracic surgery
  • Vascular and other general surgeries
  • Stroke and other neurological insult
  • Newborn developmental delay
  • Cognitive retraining
  • Customized education programs utilizing therapeutic exercise and adaptive equipment

Speech Therapy (ST)

Camden Clark’s team of licensed and nationally certified speech language pathologists provide evaluation and speech therapy treatment services to identify and rehabilitate communication and swallowing disorders. These diagnostics and specialized treatments promote increased participation in the functional aspects of daily living related to speaking and swallowing.

Our speech therapy team addresses disorders of motor speech, language comprehension and expression, cognition, voice, fluency, prosody, and swallowing.

Speech therapy specialty areas include the following:

  • Aphasia
  • Dysarthria
  • Dysphagia in adults (swallowing)
  • Dysphagia in infants
  • Modified barium swallow assessment and interpretation
  • Laryngectomy care
  • Tracheo-esophageal puncture with voice prosthesis
  • Ventilator care with trial of Passy-Muir Speaking Valves
  • Cognitive Therapy following brain injury and/or stroke
  • Patient and caregiver education

Music Therapy

Music therapy is the clinical, evidence-based implementation of music-based interventions within the context of a therapeutic relationship. Music therapy supports patients in achieving non-music, personal health and wellness goals. No special interest or background in music is necessary to benefit from the dynamic effects of music therapy.

Camden Clark’s board-certified music therapist offers individualized treatment to patients across all units and specializes in supporting healing and holistic wellbeing during inpatient admission.

Music therapy may assist patients with the following by implementing non-pharmacological interventions:

  • Pain management
  • Stress management
  • Coping with anxiety
  • Coping with depression
  • Speech, occupational, physical and neurological rehabilitation support
  • Support during periods of transition
  • Grief and bereavement support
  • Normalization of environment
  • Targeted sensory stimulation and orientation support

The following music therapy experiences may be facilitated according to a patient’s individualized treatment plan, depending on your preference, capacity and diagnosis:

  • Music assisted relaxation with or without imagery
  • Therapeutic instrument play
  • Therapeutic singing
  • Songwriting
  • Improvisation
  • Song re-creation
  • Guided music listening
  • Music facilitated psychotherapy
  • PAL intervention (Pacifier Activated Lullaby)

Lymphedema Therapy

Lymphedema is the swelling and soft tissue changes that occur where an injury has occurred to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system plays a role in circulation and immune function, carrying fluid, waste, bacteria, and protein molecules from the tissue through a series of vessels and lymph nodes. If the vessels are unable to transport lymph fluid, it begins to accumulate in the tissues causing swelling. As this condition progresses, the protein molecules that remain in the area cause scar tissue, additional swelling, and thickening of the skin. The build-up of protein-rich lymph fluid in the skin is known as lymphedema.

Lymphedema is a chronic, progressive condition that requires lifetime management. There are two different types of lymphedema. Primary Lymphedema is caused by congenital malformations of the lymphatic system. They may be present at birth or may develop later in life. 

Secondary lymphedema is a result of damage or trauma to the lymphatic system. Cancer treatments, such as surgery or radiation, are its most common causes. Lymphedema may begin immediately after surgery, or it may develop years later. Traumas or infections can often be a precursor to lymphedema. Untreated vein problems in the legs can also develop into lymphedema.  

Treatment of lymphedema includes complete decongestive therapy (CDT). This therapeutic treatment involves manual lymphatic drainage, skin care, compression, and exercise.  

The Lymphedema Program at Camden Clark Medical Center is a comprehensive program that includes evaluation and treatment of both types of lymphedema.

Joint Camp Groups

Camden Clark’s physical therapy team evaluates each patient undergoing elective joint surgery. Those patients who remain inpatient post-surgical care receive 1:1 stair and walk training prior to participation in physical therapy groups, called Joint Camp.

Joint Camp groups are intended to bring patients of similar physical capacities together to complete necessary post-surgical rehabilitation exercises. Joint camp promotes psychosocial wellbeing by allowing patients to encourage each other and accomplish goals as a group.