Exercise to Improve your Mental Health


Look, I get it. We’ve all been in a funk at some point and lacked the motivation to get ourselves off the couch and moving even though we know that once we get the ball rolling and move around, we feel better not only physically but also mentally. Did you know it’s not just a feeling, there is actual scientific evidence that shows our mental wellbeing improves with exercise.

We all know that when we exercise, we are helping to improve a number of physical factors such as blood pressure and strengthening our bones and muscles. But did you know that when we exercise, we produce endorphins that make us feel better. Focusing on your exercise can also allow your brain to disengage with negative thoughts and emotions.

30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days a week has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety and depression. Whether it’s lifting weights, walking/running on a treadmill, or just walking through your neighborhood park, the best exercise is the one you enjoy doing. So come and see us at the Health and Wellness Center and we can help improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

Jeffrey DeLancey, BS
Exercise Specialist II