Our 23-bed inpatient treatment unit, located on the third floor of Berkeley Medical Center, is designed to meet the acute mental health needs of patients ages 18 and above. We accept voluntary and involuntary patients. Patients are admitted 24-hours a day through our Emergency Psychiatric Services. We offer a caring, supportive and respectful environment while maintaining strict patient confidentiality.
Emergency Psychiatric Services
Clinically Supervised Mental Health Professionals are available 24-hours a day to provide crisis intervention and complete psychiatric assessments for patients of all ages; these are reviewed with the on call provider.
Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS) Crisis Workers provide a range of services including
- assessment and referral of patients to the appropriate level of care
- case management with referring facilities
- facilitation of communication between the Emergency Department, or referring facility, and to ensure timely service
- pre-authorization of insurance coverage when needed
If you have any questions regarding the Behavioral Health Program, outpatient resources, substance abuse treatment options or involuntary commitment, an EPS Crisis Worker is always available by phone.
Involuntary Commitment Process
If you have a family member or friend that is in significant need of hospitalization due to a risk of harm to themselves or others, you have the option of filing a petition for commitment. This process includes completing the petition application, having it notarized, and contacting East Ridge Health Systems. From that point, a crisis worker at East Ridge will connect with the Mental Health Commissioner to present the completed petition. If the Mental Health Commissioner grants a hearing, the person filing the petition will be contacted and will appear as a witness at the hearing. If the person being filed on is deemed committable, the person will receive inpatient mental health services until they are documented to be stable and safe as determined by a psychiatrist’s evaluation. Documentation for filing a petition can be obtained through the Behavioral Health Unit at Berkeley Medical Center or by contacting East Ridge Health Systems at 304-263-8954.
Contact Information and Address
Behavioral Health Unit
Berkeley Medical Center
2500 Hospital Drive
Martinsburg, WV, 25401
Direct Line: 304-264-1230
Emergency Psychiatric Services: 304-350-3338