Berkeley Medical Center Supports Safe Sleep for Infants
According to the CDC, there are approximately 3,500 sleep-related deaths among US babies each year. At Berkeley Medical Center, we are dedicated to reducing the chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), accidental suffocation, and other sleep-related causes of infant death by following national safe sleep guidelines established by Cribs for Kids.
Berkeley Medical Center is certified by Cribs for Kids as a National Safe Sleep Hospital and is one of 21 hospitals in West Virginia participating in YES to Safe Sleep for Babies. Visit the Cribs for Kids website for more information.
Safety Tips
- Place baby on their back to sleep.
- Baby should sleep on a firm, safety-approved sleep surface.
- Keep toys, soft objects, and loose bedding away from the sleep area.
- Do not use pillows, blankets, sleep positioners or bumpers in the sleep area.
- Room-sharing is recommended for at least the first six months- baby’s sleep area should be in the same room where you sleep, but baby should have their own designated sleep area.
- Do not share a bed with your baby. Bed sharing increases the risk of suffocation.
- Avoid overheating by dressing your baby in light clothing and keeping the room at a comfortable temperature.
- Car seats, strollers, swings, and/or infant carriers are not recommended for routine sleep. If baby falls asleep in a sitting device, move them to a safety-approved sleep surface when possible.
- Consider offering a pacifier at naptime and bedtime.
Contact Us
For more information regarding Safe Infant Sleep, contact your baby’s pediatrician or call the Birthing Center at Berkeley Medical Center at 304-264-1270