Supporting the Greatest Need

The Greatest Need fund helps to ensure Berkeley and Jefferson Medical Center have the funding to continue to provide vital patient care and experiences as well as advance our community outreach with health and wellness programs, events and services for a better, stronger, healthier community.

Greatest Need funds major advances at both hospitals to ensure that our medical centers have the equipment and resources available for our physicians, staff and care-givers to continue to enhance and expand on the type of care services provided.

These funds provide the most flexibility so funds are allocated to services and programs that are most critical.

Giving Example
Mark wanted to make a gift to support his local community as he has a passion for health and wellness but he was unsure of what specifically to help contribute to. Instead Mark made a gift to the WVU Hospitals East Foundation to benefit “Greatest Need.” A gift to greatest need can help to fund scholarships for local students looking to enter the medical field, or WVU Medicine employees who are looking to further advance in their medical career, provide urgently needed equipment or provide financial assistant for a patient who does not have the financial means to pay for their medication on their own. Donors can be assured that their contributions are going to benefit the health of their community members.

Giving to Greatest Need

Make a gift today to invest in the future of our community’s health


Mail a check
Payable to: WVU Hospitals East Foundation
Attn: Development Office
121 Administrative Drive, Suite 200
Martinsburg, WV 25404

Over The Phone

Talk to our Development Director about how you can make an impact.
Call 304-596-2147