Barnesville Hospital History
More than seventy five years ago, our local leaders established Barnesville Hospital knowing the importance of having a healthcare facility in their community. Today, our families, friends, and visitors are the beneficiaries of those who invested their time, energy, and resources to make Barnesville Hospital a reality.
1928 – A maternity hospital originated in the home of Mrs. Nora Hagedorn McCord at 808 East Main Street.
1929 – Dr. Jesse T. McCartney opened his grandfather’s West Main Street home, originally known as the Thomas Parker mansion, which provided more room for the new hospital. In the spring of 1929, the first tonsillectomy was performed.
1939 – The 16-bed facility was forced to close in November due to lack of funds.
1940 to 1953 – By fall 1940, community members began efforts to reopen the hospital, and eighteen beds were provided in the local McCartney house. A hospital auxiliary group of volunteers called the Twigs formed with Henry Fiechter, a part-time bookkeeper, and a group of 33 women. Area residents utilized the hospital from 1940 to 1953, but services and facilities were limited.
1954 – Forty-five Twigs hospital auxiliary volunteers, under the guidance of Mrs. Clara A. Groves along with more than 1,000 women, raised $36,585 for the first addition to the McCartney house, including a laboratory, x-ray technology, an operating room, and labor/delivery rooms. This 33-bed facility was operated by 32 staff members, and for the first time, the community had access to a radiologist who served the hospital one day each week.
1957 to 1959 – A surgeon established residence in Barnesville. Prior to that time, surgery was performed on a visiting basis by surgeons from Cambridge and Wheeling. A second surgeon established residence in Barnesville in 1959. More rooms were added in 1959 to increase the bed capacity to 53.
1963 to 1964 – The 53-bed hospital had 3,146 admissions and 400 emergency room visits in 1963, and the medical staff consisted of 10 general staff physicians, including specialty physicians from the outlying areas. With the support of more than $100,000 from the estate of the late Albert S. George, a 22-bed addition was completed in 1964, including a pediatrics room, an additional surgery and recovery room, and a larger laboratory and radiology department.
1974 – The original McCartney house where the hospital began in 1929 was demolished to create room for 40 more patient beds, remodeling the wards, and expansion of services. Construction brought the total-bed capacity to 105, including six acute coronary intensive care beds. The new Clara Groves Memorial Wing was named in memory of Mrs. Clara A. Groves who was instrumental in organizing hospital auxiliary volunteers, the Twigs through the 1940s and 50s.
1987 – The hospital offered a swing bed program with skilled nursing services to meet the changing needs of the community. Richard L. Doan returned to his hometown community to become CEO of the hospital where he served for 25 years. In August 1987, Barnesville Hospital was recognized for excellence in patient care with full accreditation by the Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
1993 to 1996 – The hospital embarked on a major project in quality and performance improvement when it became a member of the Healthcare Consortium of Ohio, sponsored by Ohio State University Hospitals. From 1994 to 1996, many physicians were recruited providing both primary and specialty services at Barnesville.
1997 – With support from the hospital family and the community, another major hospital renovation project was completed, including a state-of-the-art critical/intensive care unit, expanded and reconfigured patient service areas, and improved accessibility for people with disabilities.
2004 – Barnesville Hospital received federal designation as a Critical Access Hospital in July 2004, a status awarded to select small, rural hospitals considered necessary providers of healthcare services to area residents. This designation enables the hospital to receive reimbursement for services provided to Medicare patients.
2011 to 2012 – For two consecutive years, Barnesville Hospital was named one of the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the country for excellent quality of care, patient outcomes, and affordability.
2015 – Due to generous support from hospital staff, volunteers, and the community, the new Richard L. Doan Emergency Department was opened in 2015 increasing the number of treatment rooms from three to eight and enhancing technology and triage capabilities to expedite life-saving care.
2016 – Barnesville Hospital was recognized for overall excellence in quality of care and patient outcomes by iVantage Health Analytics and the National Organization of State Office of Rural Health, reflecting top performance among rural acute care hospitals in the nation.
Although the pace and sophistication of healthcare delivery has changed drastically since the early days, Barnesville Hospital is committed to the vision that the hospital will always be a progressive leader and a vital center of community health activities in Barnesville and throughout southeastern Ohio. To learn more about Barnesville Hospital, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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- Our History
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- Read the Barnesville Connection. The Hospital’s quarterly newsletter to keep you informed about hospital services, physicians, and valuable health care news.
- Learn more about our commitment to improving community health in our community health needs assessment.