WVU Medicine Family Medicine offers an intensive diabetes clinic for those who are newly diagnosed with the disease or having difficulty managing their condition. During one outpatient visit, you’ll receive a consultation with a medical team, including a primary care physician, a diabetic educator/dietitian, a case manager, a pharmacist, and a psychologist.
Our team approach will provide you with improved diabetic control, better coordination of your care between providers, and diabetes education. You can also receive a weekly or bi-weekly phone call from one of our pharmacists for insulin management. We can provide you with a referral to the WVU Medicine Diabetes Education Center, if needed.
Your primary care provider may refer you to the intensive diabetes clinic if:
- You are newly diagnoses with diabetes
- Your established diagnosis of diabetes has resulted in failure to achieve improvement in glycemic control despite medical intervention
- You have a hemoglobin A1c of greater than or equal to nine percent.
Treatments and Services
Some of our evaluation and treatment methods at the intensive diabetic clinic include:
- Assessment of nutrition, weight, and physical activity
- Counseling on new therapies, medications, or monitoring devices
- Depression screening
- Diabetic foot exam
- Recommendations for optimal medication management
- Retinal screening imaging using an IRIS retinal photography device
Appointments and Directions
855-WVU-CARE 855-988-2273
WVU Medicine University Town Centre
6040 University Town Centre Drive
Morgantown, WV 26501
Clinic Hours
Tuesday mornings