Registration and Patient Admission


Prior to coming to the facility, your physician will schedule your appointment date and time. Patients may call to schedule their appointments also. Scheduling is open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm. The number is 304-766-3726 or 304-766-3540. Please remember you must bring your physician order, picture ID, and insurance cards with you on the day of registration.

Pre-Admission at Thomas Hospitals

Our pre-admission testing service allows our patients to have all the required medical tests completed several days before admission to our hospital. This often means a shorter hospital stay, and pre-admission testing is often requested by insurance companies. Pre-Admission testing is done in the Medical Office Pavilion registration area, Monday through Friday. If you are coming in for pre-admission testing prior to surgery, you should go directly to the Thomas Medical Office Pavilion at Thomas or the Main Admitting at  Thomas Orthopedic Hospital (Saint Francis Campus). For information, call 304-766-3967.

Billing, Financial Assistance, and Payment Arrangement

Insurance will be billed unless other payment arrangements have been made. Please know that there are Financial Advocates and Billing Customer Service Representatives at Thomas Hospitals who are available to assist you prior to the date of service, during your stay, or upon discharge.