Please note: Masks are no longer required at Potomac Valley Hospital. However, visitors who are exhibiting respiratory symptoms – including fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, or shortness of breath – must wear a mask.
In the Emergency Department, masks are encouraged but not required.
Visitors who are designated as primary support people will generally be able to visit anytime during a patient’s hospital stay based on the wishes of the patient or the patient’s representative if a restriction does not exist. For other visitors, visiting hours are from 8 am to 7:30 pm. Patients have the right to choose who may visit them during a hospital stay, regardless of whether the visitor is a family member, a spouse, a domestic partner (including a same-sex domestic partner), or other type of visitor, as well as their right to withdraw such consent to visitation at any time. All visitors chosen by the patient will have full and equal visitation privileges consistent with the wishes of the patient.
To protect patient confidentiality and the privacy of hospital staff, photography and audio and/or video recordings of PVH personnel may not be made by patients, their family members, or visitors without the consent of the PVH personnel being photographed or recorded. Cell phones are not permitted in rooms of patients on suicide precautions.
- All visitors must sign in at the M/S desk obtain a visitor pass. The pass must be worn by the visitor while in the hospital.
- A maximum of two visitors per patient is recommended, but exceptions can be made based on clinical staff exception.
- One Primary support person (two for patients for pediatrics) may stay overnight.
- Visitation restriction may occur, but is not limited to the following circumstances:
- patient choice
- during times when procedures or assessments are being performed
- during private discussions between health care providers and the patient in which the patient does not wish for visitors to be present
- when emergent or urgent interventions are occurring on behalf of the patient or a patient in close proximity where allowing visitors would hinder the ability to render care
- where there may be an infection control concern
- disruptive behavior of the visitor
- care of other patients in a shared room (i.e. roommate)
- court order limiting or restraining contact; or custody order limiting visitation rights
- substance abuse treatment protocols requiring restricted visitation in the plan of care
- behavior presenting a direct risk or threat to patients or staff
Children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Use of common spaces/waiting areas is permitted but not encouraged.
COVID-19 Positive and COVID-19 PUI Inpatients
- Visitation permitted at admission and then every five days pursuant to W. Va. Code Section 16-39-8.
- COVID-19 Positive and COVID-19 PUI isolation status will be tracked in EPIC along with visitors.
- Frequency of visitation will be tracked at the department level to assure visitation occurs every five days.
- Visitors to COVID-19 positive infectious patients and COVID-19 rooms must adhere to the following PPE:
- KN95 facemask
- Face shield
- Gown
- Gloves
Peri-Operative/Procedural Registration/Diagnostics
Adult: One (1) approved visitor with patient for registration and waiting area prior to procedure (if space allows for physical distancing).
Pediatric: Two (2) visitors/support persons per patient.
Emergency Department
Adult Patients: Visitors with adult patients may be asked to wait outside or in their vehicle, when space is limited, unless the patient requires assistance (examples: deaf/blind patients, low mental capacity, significant mobility limitations).
Pediatric Patients: Two (2) approved visitors (over age of 18) with each pediatric patient.
Obstetric Patients: One (1) approved visitor (over age of 18) with each obstetric patient.
Visitor may accompany patient to and from room and remain in room during ED stay. Switching visitors requires ED leadership or charge nurse approval. Approved visitors will be allowed to stay with the patient in the waiting area as long as social distancing requirements allow.
If there is insufficient room in the waiting area for social distancing, the following will occur:
- Pediatric patients with two (2) visitors will be asked to reduce to one (1) visitor.
- Adult patients without decision making capacity or special needs may have one (1) visitor. All other adult patient visitors will need to wait in the vehicle or outside.
Outpatient Appointments
Adult Patients: Visitors with adult patients may be asked to wait outside or in their vehicle, when space is limited, unless the patient requires assistance.
Pediatric & Obstetric: Two (2) visitors/support persons per patient.