Center for Nursing Education


Traditional, hospital-based RN training with a contemporary approach





The WVU Medicine Center for Nursing Education is a state-of-the-art, hospital-based nursing school and registered nursing diploma program housed at the WVU Innovation Corporation.

Students enrolled in the 21-month program (potentially 18 months for LPNs) will be provided a full tuition waiver, free books, and extensive support services in exchange for a three-year bedside employment commitment at a WVU Medicine hospital.

The program features one-on-one academic support services and intensive clinical experiences to prepare students for nursing program success and an easy transition into nursing practice.

The West Virginia Board of Registered Nurses, in session March 8, 2024, accepted the West Virginia Medicine Center for Nursing Education (WVUM CNE) new program application and approved the WVUM CNE diploma program with provisional approval.

Important Dates

  • August 15, 2024: Fall 2025 Admissions Open
  • November 2024: First-Round Admissions Decisions
  • August 2025: First Cohort of Students Welcomed

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar provides important information including, admission application dates, first day of classes, midterm dates, and more.

View or download the WVU Medicine Center for Nursing Education Academic Calendar for:


Students must have completed high school or college chemistry, English, and algebra with a “C” or better prior to starting the program. General studies courses required to complete the program include anatomy and physiology, nutrition, and psychology, which students take at a college or university of their choice (not part of tuition waiver). It is recommended that these courses be taken prior to enrollment, but they may be taken concurrently with nursing courses. CNE does not offer the required general studies courses.

We admit students based on holistic admission criteria that take academic history, work experience, interviews, and other metrics for potential program success into consideration. Submission of test scores, such as ACT, SAT, and TEAS, will be optional.

Before you begin the application process

Please review the Admission Policy and Procedure for more details on our process and to determine if an Admission Exemption Request Form is needed.

Download the Application Checklist

Additional Forms, Information and Policies




The WVUM Center for Nursing Education is housed at the WVU Innovation Corporation, 781 Chestnut Ridge Road, Morgantown, WV 26505. Here at our state-of-the-art facility, we are dedicated to fostering excellence in nursing education and preparing the next generation of healthcare professionals. We prioritize holistic student development, boasting state-of-the-art amenities. Students will engage in experiential learning, enhancing their skills in our simulation center and hands-on lab. Additionally, our comprehensive student services ensure that every individual receives the support they need to thrive academically, personally, and professionally. We are dedicated to nurturing the whole student experience.

View the Center for Nursing Education campus renderings.


How long is the program?

21 months – includes five semesters and one summer term

What is the cost, and is there a tuition waiver option?

Students enrolled in the 21-month program (potentially 18 months for LPNs) will be provided a full tuition waiver, free books, and extensive support services in exchange for a three-year bedside employment commitment at a WVU Medicine hospital.

Tuition, ATI learning resources, uniforms, student equipment, laptops, graduation pins, and required textbooks are included in the tuitionless option.

Out-of-pocket costs for students will include general education credits (taken at a university or college of the student’s choice); pre-admission background check, drug screen, and immunizations; health insurance; and optional learning resources.

Is this a full-time or part-time program?
A full-time program is considered enrolling in 12 credits or more each semester (nine hours in the summer). Despite its time-intensive and rigorous curriculum, it is considered a part-time program.
Is this program in person or online?
Classroom instruction will be delivered utilizing a hybrid model, while both clinicals and skills will be in person.
Can I work or have other life responsibilities during this program?

Course schedules are still being developed. You can work and have other life responsibilities while enrolled in the program. However, this is on an individual basis. Contact [email protected] to discuss your individual situation. CNE staff are working on comprehensive wrap-around services to limit barriers.

How much of a time commitment will this program be?

Students can expect to devote at least 35 hours each week to attending in-person classes, clinicals/sim lab, and studying the skills and material. Attendance is critical. We strongly encourage studying independently and in groups.

I don’t live near Morgantown. Can I still participate in this program?
Classes and clinicals are in Morgantown at this time. Students will be responsible for travel expenses. More details regarding transportation and housing will be released.
Does the program offer educational visas?

Our program does not meet the eligibility requirements to offer educational visas. If you need an educational visa to study in the US, our program would not be the right fit for you. If you do not need an educational visa and meet the other application requirements, you are eligible to apply.

Is housing provided?

CNE staff are currently addressing housing-related details.

Where is the campus located?

The Center for Nursing Education is housed at the WVU Innovation Center in Morgantown (the former Mylan Pharmaceuticals building) at 781Chestnut Ridge Road, Morgantown, WV 26505.

Is there free parking near the campus?

Students will be able to take advantage of free parking on-site. The WVU Innovation Corporation has 1,200 on-site parking spaces.

Where will clinicals be held?

At this time, clinicals will be held in North Central West Virginia, including, but not limited to, WVU Hospitals, Inc.

Is there a community service requirement?

WVU CNE is committed to community service and involvement. While there are no set program requirements, community service remains an essential component of the WVU CNE curriculum.

Where can I complete the work commitment in order to receive the tuition waiver?

The three-year bedside work commitment can be completed at any WVU Medicine Hospital. To find a list of hospital locations, please visit

When does the program start?

The first cohort of students will be welcomed in August 2025. A second cohort will begin in January 2026.

What is a cohort?

An educational cohort refers to a group of students who begin and complete a program together. Students accepted to the program will progress through courses with their cohort and then graduate together.

What is required for admission to the program?

Download the Application Checklist.

What must be completed before beginning the program?
  • High school diploma (or equivalent GED or TASC)
  • C or higher in Algebra, Chemistry, and English from high school or college
Where do I take the general education courses?

CNE does not offer these courses and they must be taken at another institution. Agreements will be in place with West Virginia colleges and universities for general studies and RN-to-BSN completion programs. Contact [email protected] to discuss accepted general studies courses.

Will general education courses taken years ago be accepted?

There are no age restrictions on when your courses were completed.

Can I take pre-requisites and/or general education courses on sites like or

The course syllabi will need to be reviewed for acceptance for this program, and those credits may not be transferable if a student chooses to continue for a higher degree. Credits from a regionally accredited institution are recommended.

Will previous college credits transfer?

Please contact [email protected] to discuss previous college credits.

Why is submitting test scores (SAT, ACT, TEAS) optional?

The Center for Nursing Education supports a comprehensive admission process, recognizing that a multitude of factors contribute to success potential. While test scores are important, they are just one aspect among many. Hint: only submit test scores that are competitive: TEAS – 60 or above on each subsection, ACT – 19.9 or above or SAT – 1050 or above.

How do I submit ACT scores?

Our school code is 8215. Sign into and request to send scores from your score dashboard using our school code. Use a credit card to pay for the scores. (Reminder, only submit if they are competitive.)

How do I submit SAT scores?

SAT scores, only if competitive (1050 or above is considered competitive). Our school code is 10264. Sign into and request scores to be sent from the Send SAT Scores page using our school code.

Use a credit card to pay for your scores.

What is the admission timeline?

Admission applications will be accepted starting August 15, 2024 until the cohort and waitlist is full or until June 1, 2025. All application materials must be completed and submitted by October 1, 2024 in order for candidates to be part of the first consideration period for the Fall 2025 cohort. Competitive candidates will be invited to do a virtual interview and survey in October 2024. A second, in-person interview will be offered to candidates invited to the final round in October-November 2024. First offers will be made after November 15, 2024. The committee will review other applicants if spots become available after the first consideration cycle.

When can I apply?

Fall 2025 admissions open August 15, 2024 and the first consideration deadline is October 1, 2024. Extra points are not given to applicants who complete the application on August 15. All applicants who complete the application and submit all of the required documents will be considered for admission if received by October 1, 2024.

NOTE: Late or incomplete applications are ineligible.

Where can I apply?

A link will be added to the website on August 15 at 9 am for the Fall 2025 cohort. Applicants who apply and have all application materials submitted by October 1, 2024, will be reviewed for the first consideration.

Any materials submitted after October 1, 2024 may not be considered for the Fall 2025 cohort. Once the cohort and waitlist are full or at the end of day on June 1 (whichever happens first), the fall 2025 cohort application link will be removed.

The spring 2026 cohort application will open on January 15, 2025.

Will there be a waitlist?

Yes. Competitive applicants will be offered a seat on the waitlist once the cohort fills. The waitlist will remain active until the first day of the classes. There is no guarantee that applicants will move from the waitlist to the cohort. Applicants on the waitlist are only considered for the cohort they applied to; therefore, it is recommended that applicants on the waitlist reapply for the next cohort.

What are the decision outcomes for the admission application process?

Acceptance – applicants offered a spot in the cohort will have ten days to notify the Center for Nursing Education if they want the spot.

Acceptance contingent upon conditions – applicants are offered a spot in the cohort with a stipulation that they complete whatever conditions are placed on the acceptance. They will have ten days to notify the Center for Nursing Education if they want the spot and must complete any conditions by the deadline outlined in the email to keep the spot.

Waitlist – applicants offered a seat in the waitlist will have ten days to reply to the offer. The waitlist is not a guarantee of being added to the cohort and the waitlist ends the day before the cohort begins classes. All applicants on the waitlist are encouraged to apply for the next cohort as waitlisted candidates are not automatically considered for any other cohorts.

Denial – applicants are not competitive and will not continue in this application cycle.

What if I am denied admissions?

Review the denial email and consider the information enclosed. There are likely ways to increase your competitiveness for a future application.


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