

Nutrition Services provides meals for patients during their hospital stay and accommodates special diets that patients may have or are requested by their provider.


Free parking is available for use by our patients and families.

Cell Phone Use

Visitors may use personal mobile devices at Fairmont Medical Center, unless restricted by specific unit policies. Visitors may photograph the patient and family members; however, taking photographs of other patients, visitors, and staff is strictly prohibited.

Tobacco Use

For the health of our patients, visitors, faculty, and staff, we ask that you please refrain from using tobacco of any form, including e-cigarettes and vapor products, at all Fairmont Medical Center clinics and facilities, including parking lots and garages.


The chapel at Fairmont Medical Center provides a peaceful and relaxing environment where visitors can reflect, meditate, or pray. Located near the main lobby entrance, visitors and patients of any or no faith tradition are welcome. Patients and visitors may schedule a time to speak with the chaplain or request to see the chaplain who is on call.

Social Services

Supportive counseling is available for inpatients, terminal patients and their families, or any patient facing a crisis situation. Social Services also provides coordinated discharge planning services, including, but not limited to, nursing home placement, rehabilitation placement, in-home services, durable medical equipment, and transportation.

A social worker or discharge planning nurse may be contacted via phone by either the nursing or floor supervisor, should a problem, question, or crisis arise after hours.

Special Communications Needs

Arrangements can also be made to have a person who uses sign language help a hearing-impaired or deaf patient. If a patient’s eyesight is limited, they can ask any member of our staff to assist them by reading written information. The hospital has access to interpreters for a number of foreign languages, should a patient require it.

Support groups

WVU Medicine offers support groups for patients and family members who are coping with a medical condition. Learn more.