Outreach Services
The WVU Eye Institute is prioritizing accessible, quality eye health care for children and adults with low vision in West Virginia.
Committed to addressing eye health needs in communities across the state
Read more about our outreach programs and how we work together with local organizations to bring our services to the people of West Virginia.
Children’s Vision Rehabilitation Program (CVRP)
Established in 1996, the WVU Eye Institute Children’s Vision Rehabilitation Program (CVRP) serves visually impaired children, teachers, parents and professionals across West Virginia. With a mission to provide comprehensive vision rehabilitation services to blind and visually impaired school-aged children throughout West Virginia—regardless of their ability to pay—the CVRP program continues to grow and evolve with new projects each year based on students’ needs.
Appalachian Vision Outreach Program (AVOP)
AVOP provides services to underserved populations of West Virginians who may not have access to quality eye care due to geographical or financial obstacles. A care team from WVU Medicine Eye Institute travels to all areas of the state to provide screenings, full exams, glasses, identification of eye diseases, referrals for specialty care and surgery.
Learn more about our AVOP outreach services and upcoming clinic dates. →
Adult Low Vision Program
The Adult Low Vision Program helps people with decreased vision to regain independence and those with permanent vision loss to maximize remaining vision. When glasses, contacts, or surgery cannot correct vison loss, we can help you get back to the activities you enjoy using devices and technology.
Funding Visual Science Research
Making untreatable vision problems treatable: WVU receives $11M for visual sciences research center
Latest News
A clinical trial conducted by the WVU Eye Institute for the use of EYELEA, an injection medication, has led to FDA approval for the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
Clinical Research
The experts at the WVU Eye Institute conduct ongoing clinical trials and research studies.
Academic Programs
Learn more about the WVU School of Medicine Department of Opthalmology and Visual Sciences.
Make an appointment: Call 855-WVU-CARE, or schedule online.