Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days® Week #14 Walking Tip: Family Walking

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The goal of Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days® is to get you excited about exercise and to walk at least 1 mile (about 2000 steps) every day for the next 100 days. Walking is a great form of exercise that is easy to do and can be done almost anywhere. NEW! Please click here to view a list of all team participant miles up to Week #13 (week ending July 10)

Family Walking

The summer is often a busy time for families. Walking is a great way to spend quality time as a family without any distractions like the television or phone. It's also an inexpensive way to get your family more active.

Walking could become a daily routine giving you not only time to bond as a family, but also daily exercise. Walking just 30 minutes a day can help you lose weight and relieve stress. If you are having a disagreement with a family member, suggest taking a walk. Walking causes endorphins in the brain to be released and will give you a chance to talk rationally.

Walking is a sleep aid as well. It has been proven that people who walk regularly take less time to fall asleep at night and will spend more time in deeper stages of sleep. If you or a family member, particularly children, is having a difficult time falling or staying asleep planning a walk earlier in the day or evening could be a great way to remedy the solution as well as an opportunity to become a closer family unit.