WVU Medicine Camden Clark is pleased to announce Sharileda Vance, MD as its Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Vance is the current Medical Director of Primary Care Services for University Health Associates and Camden Clark, serves on the Camden Clark Physician Advisory Committee, the WVU Medicine Medical Group Quality Committee, the Physician Enterprise Committee and the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute Planning Committee.
“I am thrilled to be part of and help lead Camden Clark Medical Center at this exciting time of growth as we continue to build on our foundation of patient centered healthcare and fulfill our mission of caring for our community,” Vance said.
She has been providing medical care in the Mid-Ohio Valley since 1997 and with WVU Medicine since 2019. She is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine, a member of the American Association of Family Physicians and completed the Laurence B. Mallory Physician Leadership Academy in April of 2021.
“Through her extensive career, Dr. Vance has achieved many clinical and administrative advancements that have brought value to our community and we are excited to welcome her to this role,” said Steve Altmiller, WVU Medicine Camden Clark Medical Center President and CEO.
Dr. Vance received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1990 and completed Medical School at West Virginia University in 1994. Dr. Vance did her residency at the West Virginia University Department of Family Medicine.