Staying healthy over 50: A guide to men's health

When we commonly talk about men’s health problems and concerns, there are some major diseases that raise a red flag. In this post, we will cover some of the main concerns men over the age of 50 may face.

  1. Cancer: The most common types of cancers for men are prostate, lung, colorectal, and bladder cancer. Every year approximately 305,000 American men, age 45 and older, die from cancer. If not diagnosed in its early stages, chances of survival are close to zero. This is why it is so important to get regular check-ups and screening tests, such as a testicular exam to check for prostate cancer. Preventative measures are your first line of defense.
  2. Heart disease: One in three adult men have heart disease, making it one of the leading health risks for men. A few early signs of heart disease can be difficulty catching your breath after physical exertion, a discomfort or tightening in your chest lasting longer than 1 to 2 minutes, and a heartbeat that is faster or slower than usual. However, heart disease can be prevented or managed through exercise and diet. Regular check-ups also allow your doctor to find these signs early.
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: COPD is a chronic condition that directly affects the lungs and airways, killing an approximate 60,000 of males annually worldwide. The root cause of COPD is smoking, which ultimately causes shortness of breath and lung cancer, and limits the ability of the body to stay active. Other chronic conditions that affect men, making them a health concern, are diabetes, stroke, and liver disease.

How to stay healthy after 50

Undoubtedly, some diseases are inevitable; however, there are some lifestyle choices that can help reduce their effects or delay their severity over time. If you have decided to make the transition to a healthier you, we would like to contribute our expertise. Below are some tips to ensure that you stay fit and healthy naturally without chunking on too many medications. Follow these tips and you will soon begin to feel more active and stress-free over time.

  • Stay active physically and mentally: Greater amounts of physical activity are linked to improved mood. Medical experts suggest a 30-minute walk daily or a 20-minute cardio session to keep your body flexible and fit as you age. Exercising and challenging your mind can improve brain function and limit risk from cognitive disorders.
  • Quit smoking: What most men don’t know is that smoking is the root cause to increase the chances of life-threatening conditions like cancer, stroke, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction. Research has also found correlations of smoking to increase the risk of bladder cancer and adverse reproductive consequences in men after the age of 50. If you wish to feel young and healthy after the age of 50, medical experts strongly advise against smoking.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation: Many medical experts propose that moderate drinking (a glass of wine a day) is considered healthy for your organs; however, limit to no more than two drinks per day for men.
  • Lose weight: If you are overweight, your body may be the breeding ground of diseases like cancer, strokes, kidney failure, and diabetes. You must reduce your weight in order to lead a healthier and balanced life.
  • Keep chronic diseases under control: Diseases like hypertension and diabetes must be kept in check as they directly affect your overall health.
  • Check your diet: Maintaining a diet low in fat, sodium, and sugar content is essential to decrease the risk of high blood pressure leading to stroke and heart attack. Cutting back on processed foods full of salt and getting plenty of lean protein, healthy fats (omega 3s), vitamins, and minerals each day is crucial.