Residents in the UHC Family Medicine residency program benefit from a balance of program-sponsored activities and resident-generated functions that allow them to develop personal and professional bonds that often last a lifetime.
You can catch our residents participating in a variety of fun activities, so there is something for everyone. From the annual intern picnic, to trivia nights, journal club, professional and collegiate sporting events, hiking, skiing, shopping, supporting community events, and even international food day, there is always something going on to help our residents balance the rigors of residency training with fun and relaxation.

2020 Intern Hike at Valley Falls was the last phase of a get to know the area scavenger hunt.

Bowling Activity – A little friendly competition is good for the soul!

Gift Gala – And a fun time was had by all!

Pumpkin Carving – Finished Products

Residents hone thier OMT skills during a workshop.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Build (2020) – Residents, medical students and program director help make 110 beds for local kids

Volunteering at Shepherds Corner.

Winter Hike – Great View (2019)