The Aspiring Nurse Program is a program with a formal partnership between hospitals within WVU Health System and students at partnering schools of nursing.
Unlike a scholarship, students in the program receive financial assistance to help with life expenses while in nursing school. The money is intended to be used to support student needs throughout nursing school, which could include school expenses or other life expenses. Each student’s needs will vary, and the student will utilize discretion upon how best to handle the financial support provided by the Aspiring Nurse Program.
In addition to financial assistance, students are paired with a WVU Medicine local liaison to mentor them throughout nursing school and help during their transition to practice as a new RN. The Aspiring Nurse Program is not based on individual financial aid status.
Students in the Aspiring Nurse Program commit to working at WVU Medicine for 3 years as a full time RN in an eligible position after completion of their nursing program.