Education blasts (Edu-Blasts) are brief, single-topic messages that are sent via email to all critical care and trauma faculty and staff. Edu-Blasts were designed to be multiplatform-friendly so that they are easily accessible and don’t require downloading. This allows the information to be shared quickly and reach the maximum number of faculty and staff across the hospital.

Edu-Blasts are sent once a month (ad-hoc sent as needed) and include bright colors and minimal text with supplemental images. Any evidence-based material will include a reference for more information, and additional links to journal articles or websites may be included.

Topics for the Edu-Blasts will be selected based on identified concerns from the Quality Improvement and the Practice and Policy Committees. Ad-hoc topics will be assigned to a rotating group of critical care educators.

Most recent available for download:

Archived available for download: